Release Notes//

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." -Abraham Lincoln

tl;dr: Three new integrations, major batching upgrades, and 50+ improvements!

Dear visIONaries, 

As we prepare for the new ION, we’re cranking away on new integrations, automations, and over 50 new features! 

Driven by your feedback, we've thoughtfully crafted a 2024 Product Roadmap here. Upvote your favs, add more suggestions, or just check in on our progress!

Admins, be sure to scroll to the end for upcoming, breaking database changes


A portal of possibility has opened!

Level up your operations: Amazing new integrations are available to be turned on in minutes!

Netsuite: import purchase lines to streamline receiving in ION and ease the creation of new inventory.

Smartsheet: Use Gantt charts, dependencies and constraints to plan your factory floor and update Run start/end dates in ION

Datum: Offload your sourcing efforts to Datum, then convert a completed quote to a draft ION Purchase.

A bunch of benefits for brisk bulk-building with Batches

Deepening ION's Batch functionality hastens making serialized parts at scale!

  • Bulk Batching: multi-select Runs from the table view and Bulk Action > Batch

  • Approve once to review redlines over a Batch: One notification, one approval, propagates to every redlined sibling step. For a batch of 10 runs, you just saved 9 manual approvals. YES.
  • Add batched inventory to an Issue: When creating Issues, a new dropdown easily add Parts from other Runs within the Batch (see gif).

That's one small (Standard) Step for ION... 

When writing Procedure steps, it's helpful to have a template to start from. You can now insert a Standard Step, “detach,” then modify at will.

Whitelist (allow) domains into ION 

Do you have contractors, auditors, or other partners who need access to your ION environment? The next time you request First Resonance add users from outside your organization, add an extra layer of security by whitelisting (allowing) their domain ( to your org settings. We’ve already migrated your existing whitelisted admin users’ domains!

Issues - Bulk import tool!

Navigate to Parts > Import > [scroll to bottom]


A little sheepish using GraphQL? It's ok, ION’s front-end can write queries for you! 

  1. While in ION (from Chrome browser), 
  2. Right-click anywhere > Inspect > Network. 
  3. Click around ION and watch the queries/mutations pile up! 
  4. BONUS: Download the “GraphQL Network” Chrome extension for simpler querying. A video to instruct you through it (gif below)


PLATFORM - filter by ID on every table view in ION

RUNS - enable the ability to modify past clock ins/outs via API


INVENTORY - added “Tip: Use a Filter before using Group by to minimize load time.” Though the grouping feature has been hastened, filtering will speed you up!

INVENTORY - smoother drag n drop column selections for your quality of life

INVENTORY - filter inventory by Issue Id to isolate the impact of a non-conformance (e.g. quarantine).

ISSUES - Assignee now displays in the transaction history

ISSUES - now showing both parent/child step numbers in “Step where Issue occurred” field

KITS - can pick all revisions to a kit (w/ interchangeability enabled)

KITS - decimals are now allowed when kitting inventory

PARTS - Tools Inventory load performance improved w/ pagination.

PARTS - Bulk importer now allows for “h”, “d”, “w”(hours, days, weeks) in the lead time field (instead of needing to convert to seconds), and the symbol $ in the cost field removing painstaking data cleansing steps.

PARTS - Required approvals added to mBOM reviews, consistent across the platform, to ensure the integrity of your assemblies.

PARTS - Inventory is now titled specifically “Available Inventory” (excludes scrap, on order, wip) for better clarity.

PARTS - The kitting screen now shows/links to Purchases (when applicable) for faster navigation.

PARTS - Trace export now includes purchase price to support accounting.

PARTS - importing blank custom attributes no longer overwrites existing records. 

PARTS - deleting records at part importer submission is now allowed.

PARTS - cannot delete a part if referenced on a kit.

PARTS - able to filter by Tool part number.

PLANS - Display Status on the table view because it obviously should be there.

PLANS - Hard allocation reservations of a plan such that re-work/maintenance doesn’t interfere with new builds.

PLANS - ETA & Need Date from Purchases added to Plans for comparison with the Plan need dates, to help identify possible supply shortages.

PLANS - Bulk select Supplier for Planned Items to accelerate creating supply.

PLANS - Option to drive demand through Kits instead of aBOMs for those who use Kits prolifically.

PLANS - MOA components no longer drive (ghost) demand, improving overall accuracy of the forecast.

PLATFORM - Hide archived locations from Location pickers to ease the search.

PLATFORM - Location’s “Available Inventory” is now defined as: the count of unique inventory records with available stock (hope that's clearer!).

PLATFORM - Filter, sort, group by, columns, in that order, on all components for consistency and influence users to filter first to improve load times.

PLATFORM - Group by selections in table views now save into the URL so you can bookmark/share the complete set of view selections.

PLATFORM - Notifications are only sent on active tabs instead of across all open ION tabs to avoid being notified in multiple places, annoyingly.

PLATFORM - now able to properly edit Runs from the Locations page

PLATFORM - drag and drop multiple files in all attachment components

PROCEDURES - Standard Steps and only their latest version are sorted to the top of the Step picker to hasten your search for the right step.

PROCEDURES - Step picker paginated for improved performance.

PROCEDURES - Performance improved when associating parts.

PROCEDURES - exporting now allows images from content editor, datagrid, and PDF content types.

PROCEDURES - description field auto-expands with text

PURCHASES - status must be in “In Review” for approval workflow

PURCHASES - Cancelations prompt the user with clearer language to avoid that horrifying moment that you've removed something and it can't be undone.

RUNS - Inventory picker widened to fully display serialized inventory selections.

RUNS - Custom attribute columns added to the Standard Step table view and we're aiming to put custom attributes on every table view in ION.

RUNS - % complete is now an attribute in the API for reporting/automation.

RUNS - UpdateRuns mutation can update multiple runs w/ one request for all the hackers out there.

RUNS - Due Date column added to the table view; sorry we missed that one.

RUNS - Fast Execution mode now displays fields more intuitively. 

RUNS - You can search / group by Batch Id and title from a keyword/filter in table view to monitor all runs in a batch.

RUNS - datagrid signoffs editable only to users with appropriate role

RUNS - now able to select a destination location at Run completion!



We are overhauling our aBOM API and will have big changes hitting in the next few months!


  • Increased Flexibility: Our updated aBOM API will empower you to modify aBOM requirements, even if they originated from the mBOM. This will enable your teams to seamlessly incorporate changes on the fly and achieve 100% installation accuracy.
  • More control: You will have the capability to edit reference designators and substitutes for each requirement separately from the mBOM.
  • Simplified Integrations: The changes will make it significantly easier to listen for install/uninstall webhooks.

Actions needed (for developers)

This project will introduce breaking changes.

  • API: If you are using the API to call any of the below mutations or a query that uses any of the below fields, you will need to update your mutations/queries.
  • Actions: If you have any ION actions (rules) using any of the objects below, those will be disabled when this project is released and you will need to update those after release.
  • Webhooks: If you have any webhooks listening to any of the objects below, you will need to update your webhook listeners after release.
  • Analytics: If you have any queries referencing abom_items or abom_edges those will need to be updated.

Going Away


  • InstallKitOnAbomItemChildren
  • CreateAbomItem
  • DeleteAbomItem
  • UpdateAbomItem

GQL Objects/Queries

  • AbomItems
  • ABomEdges
  • ABomItemReferenceDesignators


  • PartInventory.abomItems
  • PartInventory.abomChildren
  • PartInventory.abomParents
  • PartInventory.allChildren
  • PartInventory.allParents
  • Part.abomItems
  • MBomItem.abomItems
  • MBomItemReferenceDesignator.abomItems
  • AbomItemReferenceDesignator.abomItem

(and any count fields generated from these relationships)

Change summary

  • AbomItems will be replaced by BuildRequirements and AbomInstallations, where the requirement and fulfillment (install) are clearly delineated
  • AbomEdges will be replaced by PartInventoryBuildRequirements

We will reach out to all of those directly affected as we get closer to the project release. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!