how ion helps you

Business-wide impact

Collaboration is the lifeblood of successful manufacturing. ION brings everyone together through total transparency across all areas of the business. Giving the right information to the right people at the right time, everybody has the insight and functionality necessary to work better as an individual and as a collective.

manufacturing engineerS

Gain a deeper understanding of the complex network of non-linear processes and knowledge work. Empower your teams with the user experience and data they need to work more efficiently:
  • Define, visualize and automate complex processes with intelligent workflows that support milestone checkpoints for review and approvals
  • Automate scheduling and resource allocation
  • Prevent execution problems and course correct faster

Business analysts

Gain real time insight into what’s holding your factory back. Leverage data-driven storytelling to accelerate decision-making and problem-solving:
  • Identify the root causes impacting speed, quality and costs
  • Easily build reports to enlighten business and support teams
  • Baseline current performance to track improvements


Augment your existing financial planning and forecasting with precision. Track all costs and waste across the manufacturing line and supply chain:
  • Calculate the true cost of production with ION's unique aBOM capacbilities
  • Leverage data-driven forecasting to accurately predict outcomes
  • Simplify auditing and compliance reporting

purchasing and supply chain

With supply chains becoming increasingly complex and difficult to manage, you gain the necessary visibility to build a strong supply chain and maintain supplier accountability:
  • Monitor supplier performance
  • Inspect and track health and status of inventory
  • Track flow of parts from end-to-end in real time

ION Factory Operating System (OS): Connect to reality

Modern manufacturing tooling and approaches are insufficient for rapid, iterative production. It’s time for a new way that reflects the reality of your factory operations and paves a new data-driven path to manufacturing excellence.

Discover how you can untether yourself from this outdated approach and lead the way.

take a tour

Discover why ION is the right choice to optimize your operations. Enjoy a highly customized walkthrough of ION and its wide range of capabilities.