Release Notes//

Hi there,

Welcome to Changelog #38! We are excited to share all of the cool features and quality of life improvements First Resonance has delivered on over the past few months.

Tl;dr: Outside processing, Run Execution 2.0 released, redline live diffs, mobile friendly view, Issues 2.0, faster analytics refresh rates, reorder points, and a clear to build dashboard using Autoplan data.

Supply Chain

  • Outside processing: Introducing Outside Processing: a streamlined solution empowering engineering and purchasing teams to send parts to vendors for specialized work (think coating, finishing, cleaning operations). By linking specific procedure steps to purchase orders, even minor assembly processes can be managed properly, ensuring timely completion and maintaining part traceability. Experience proactive part management and enhanced efficiency with Outside Processing—explore our manual page for further details or reach out via intercom for personalized assistance.
  • Auto-approve part-procedure relationships: Check out our new automation in the marketplace for auto-approving part-procedure relationships. This automation should save you time and heartache if approving those relationships is not part of your business process.
  • Purchase order load times decreased by 20%
  • Copying purchase order lines within the same PO is 5x faster
  • Added the ability to change the PO assignee outside of DRAFT status
  • Can now create issues from purchase order lines


The new Run Execution experience has arrived! We have been working hard to deliver a packed performance and feature-rich experience to the most critical workflows within ION based on feedback from our customer base. The new experience includes the following:

  • 10x performance improvements when loading steps in a run
  • Embedded file viewer for attachments and assets
Preview files in ION
  • Finger-friendly sizing for technicians using iPads or other touchscreen devices
  • A check in status bar at the top to know when you are checked into any run step and displays them all for you.
The top bar is orange because you are past the expected lead time

Quickly check out of all steps you are checked into
  • Simplified starting a step and checking into a step so that starting a step automatically checks you in.
  • Batch information improvements where the run header and step header now correctly identifies the batch and the quantity of runs you are impacting when working on a batched operation. In addition, you can add a run directly to an existing batch or create a new batch with our new Batch pop-up.
Batch detail on the run header
  • Digital QR codes for run steps and a mobile friendly view. You can use the digital QR code on every run step to quickly send the URL to multiple team members or have a team of technicians quickly scan the barcode to check in on their mobile device to ensure accurate labor hours or an inspector can scan the barcode to signoff on a quality inspection on their mobile device instead of carrying around a laptop or tablet. You will need to login on your phone just as you would on any device.
Mobile check in via web browser
Quickly sign off on fields on run steps
  • Redline live diffs during the approval process, approve multiple redlines at once for a series of operations you added to a run, filter the results of steps that you want to add to a run, and link them directly to an issue during creation allowing you to tie a series of rework operations to an issue in quick succession.
Live diff of changes made during the redline process
Redline reviews allow you to review and approve many redlines on a single run at once
  • In run execution, the field lead time has been changed to “expected labor time”. There are plans to add more fields to ION steps such as “expected step duration” for cases where labor time and duration are not one-to-one. Note that this is separate from the lead time associated with a part, the part “lead time” name has remained unchanged.
  • Multi-select boxes are adding their completion count to the overall run field count. This bug resulted in run steps that contained multi-selects never showing fully complete (see below). Now the (x/3 Completed) status will be reflective of true completion.

Splitting Inventory on a run through the issue ticket:

  • ION Issue tickets now have the ability to split WIP. That is to say that if you are completing a run with seven parts on it and five of them are identified as defective, you can split just those five off into a designated location and continue the rest of the run of now two parts. To understand more about the way partially installed build requirements on an aBOM get allocated to locations please check out the manual page here.


  • INTRODUCING THE NEW ISSUES PAGE Live in your production environments as a toggle today!
Issues 2.0

The updated issues page has key functionality improvements in the following areas:

  • Main body rich text field auto expands and accepts images.
  • Additional redlines can be created through the redlines card.
  • The approvals modal has been streamlined to show only the relevant review and indicate when each approval gate has been passed through.
  • Comments are accessible through a side menu and not a modal that covers the screen.
  • The “Resolve is by run step” can be set to the same step the issue was found on containing an issue before it has downstream effects.
  • For all of this and more, check out this ION Manual Page.
  • An updated issue creation modal is displayed everywhere you create an issue. This means that regardless of whether you are in the run execution screen, or creating an issue from the issues home page, you will see the new issue creation layout. A key improvement of the new layout is that it allows you to access issue attributes directly from the creation page, eliminating subsequent clicks to access those fields!
  • A key bug that has been fixed for customers using batched runs is the generation of one issue for all part inventories in a batch. If the “Create Separate Issues for Each Inventory” box is not selected below, all part inventories in the batch will be assigned on just one issue ticket.
Both parts on the same issue ticket as a result of not selecting that issue creation field

  • Auto Assign Issue Tickets: Auto assign the Responsible Engineer of a part linked on the issue ticket OR auto assign the Manufacturing Engineer / Planner that created the run an issue was found on. In an update to our automation available in the ION Integrations/Automations tab today, you can choose more options when it comes to assigning an issue ticket at creation. This streamlines your business process and ensures tickets are promptly handled.


We categorize work into “Insights” if it falls under Analytics, Autoplan, or Assistant. The Assistant is something that we’ll touch on in the future in a meaningful way so stay tuned! For Analytics and Autoplan, we’ve had several releases over the last few months.


  • Improved data refresh rates: We’ve improved the speed at which data moves from ION to Analytics, introducing two types of data (base and enriched tables) to meet all customer analytics needs in a single update.
  • Direct dashboard links: We’ve added the capability to navigate, share, bookmark directly to a specific workbook within analytics!
  • Logged actions: Logged actions are now included in analytics so the transaction history of ION is at your fingertips. More to come on this as we'll start creating standard dashboards using history!
  • Snowflake account migration: We have migrated GovCloud users from FedRAMP Moderate Authorization -> FedRAMP High Authorization for increased security for our GovCloud users.


Additionally, you’ll notice that Autoplan organization settings are now visible within the UI:

Finally, we’ve been frequently combining the power of Analytics and Autoplan. The best example of this is in the “Clear to build” dashboard in Analytics. It combines the planned data with the as-built to provide the truest form of percent complete that we can offer. We are going to continue building on this concept so that you always know the status of your builds.

